After life roundhouse-kicked me in the teeth, in the form of a life-imploding divorce, at 27, I sought healing by salting the wound, running towards the inferno of brokenness instead of getting lost in the wilderness.
Through intense surrender, somatic work, soul searching, hard sought healing... I gave this very personal process a name,
- Dana on Detours.
With every adventure since then, from beaches in the Lowcountry of South Carolina to the flat desert sunsets in New Mexico, weaving through the Redwoods in California, and trudging through snow-covered scapes in Alaska, I slowly began reconciling myself with every new, clean slate each time.
Not only is this sentiment literal for the places I roam, and for the people I've met, the stories I've heard but also figuratively for the spiritual, emotional, physical, and mental places I've walked and will walk as I keep on seeking peace and healing.
DanaOnDetours is a passion project, a ministry of permission to heal as healing comes for me and then sharing that with whoever will listen.
DOD is a place for ongoing conversation positioned towards those wanting healing, seeking places to surrender to the whim of life, quiet the noise, drown out the chatter, while sharing these "detours" we all seem to find ourselves on at some point in our lives. A place to find a glimmer of hope.
For me, DOD is a place for me to dwell with The Holy Spirit, to say "yes" to broadcasting redemption stories and my active work as the hands and feet of my sovereign savior.
DOD is only possible only by the mercy of God and the grace of Christ who has given me this redemptive chance to do things differently, under his provision and by his design.
I'm excited to share this path of roaming alongside you, in the most vulnerable and authentic way possible...in hopes of creating unity, across all people, in struggle, in crisis, in adventure, in Christ, and help to you find your Gethsemane, your way through your wilderness.
Some Soul Searching May Be Required,
